#4 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address

How did the talk affect you?

This speech is so inspiring. I often feel upset on learning and always think that I am not doing well.,.However,after watching this speech, I learned that failure is an important lesson to gain success.. Don't be afraid to fail.

How does this talk catch the listeners’ attention (or does it all)?

It uses storytelling to capture the audience’s attention. Stories can make people be intriguing and impressive.so Jobs is a professional speaker.

Has the talk changed your mind about something? If so, explain how.

Yes,it influences my thoughts about failure. If  Jobs hadn’t been fired from Apple, he’ll not establish NeXT and Pixar. Then there would be no iphone and the movie- Toys now.So I think trial is temporarily ,and success is around the corner.

Does the talk relate to anything from your past life experiences?

When I was in the five-year junior college program, I always felt that it was very painful to study statistics and I would not use it in future. But when I went to two year technical program , I realized that many subjects need a foundation in statistics.it is really impossible without it.

Hope all frustrated can be as hopeful as this picture!

